5 Ways to Be Happy

VE Digital
3 min readNov 16, 2021

Happiness is a fleeting feeling. It’s not a destination that you arrive at. Happiness is not found at the end of a journey but in the journey itself. And it comes in waves because happiness are moments.

It’s not possible to always be happy. Yet, despite all the other things we feel in between, we always get that moment of happiness that gives our hearts a warm squeeze.

To summon this giddy feeling, there are things you can do. Here are five easy ways you can practice doing to be happy.

5 Ways to Be Happy

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t only about saying thanks when things go on our way or when we receive something. It’s much more than that. Gratitude is the habit of being thankful even without the use of words. Being able to recognize and acknowledge the situation and the things you have around you with a grateful heart is what counts.

As you practice gratitude, you’ll find contentment and this will lead you to have peace. Not wanting for more, not feeling jealousy over shiny new objects, and completely accepting the things you have at the moment. By practicing gratitude, you’ll slowly find peace in your present life and make your way to being happy. You’ll also have fewer worries and cultivate a feeling of liberty.

Give Back

The act of giving back can vary from person to person, household to household. Some people give back to a place of worship in the forms of offerings or tithes. Some people help the less fortunate by volunteering and donating.

The feeling of gratification you get after helping others out of the goodness of your heart is incomparable. After all, it is better to give than to receive, as the old saying goes.

Stay Away From Worry

This is easier said than done because sometimes, we can’t control where our minds wander. What I can say about it is to keep a positive attitude towards things. When something bad happens, it’s normal to worry, but you can always bounce back by discerning the good things that could come out of this misfortune.

Worrying comes from thinking about the things that we don’t have control over. And this will just affect you negatively by giving you more stress. Focus more on things that you can actually control because by then, you’ll have plans of action you can take to solve if problems arise.

Here are 30 affirmations you can read daily to attain peace of mind.

Be True To Yourself

Oftentimes, we are trapped in projecting a persona when we face different people. We put on these masks to protect ourselves and to draw up boundaries to protect our inner peace. This can work if you don’t have plans to have deeper connections with these people. But if you get to the point of even lying to yourself just because you feel better about it, that’s where you draw the line.

Always be honest and be true to yourself. No matter how hard the going gets, honesty will keep your sanity.

Find A Reason To Smile

Smiling often reduces stress and increases endorphins (the happy hormone). This simple action is a healthy exercise that will positively affect our emotional well-being.

What makes you smile? Is it the smell of hot coffee in the morning? The sound of birds singing in trees? The familiar touch of your soft blanket? I bet there are tons of things that make you smile inside. Find those things and when you do, spread those lips and smile. :)

The modern life we live today often keeps us from living our lives presently and this can affect our emotional health. By taking these tips by heart and practicing them gradually every time you get the chance, you will undoubtedly be more connected with the present. You’ll be able to stay present and be happy, or even happier.

I hope these tips will help you in your daily life. Stay gold!



VE Digital

Operating at the junction of modernism and computer science to answer design problems with honest solutions. Owner of ve.digital.