You are Enough and You Need to Remember That

VE Digital
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Sometimes, we come to a point in our lives where we feel that we aren’t adequate enough. We doubt ourselves and sometimes we even lose our beliefs in ourselves.

In these times of weakness, we can’t help but succumb to the negative thoughts we have inside our heads and it negatively affects our mental health.

To recuperate, we may need the help of friends and family for moral support. Sometimes, we only need ourselves to find our inner persona in solitary and build up again the self-confidence we’ve lost. Sometimes it may be just hearing three words for you to realize your worth and start believing in yourself again.

You are enough.

But what does that even mean?

“You are enough” does not mean you’ve been measured or judged or considered. It does not mean that you’re being quantified so that you’ve earned the badge of “being enough”. It doesn’t mean that you tried hard enough or you’ve worked long enough, or presented well enough. Being enough simply just means being who you are. It’s the simplicity of the sentence. You are enough, just as you are, without any additions or upgrades.

Being enough does not mean you have to do more or be more or have more. Being enough is not being a final product. It’s not the measurement of how far you’ve come or how long you’ve been doing something to improve yourself. Being enough does not mean being perfect and flawless.

Being enough doesn’t mean you are everything.

A misconception of understanding “being enough” is sometimes equated to having everything. But if you understand the simplicity of the concept, being enough does not mean you have to have everything or be everything.

“You are enough” does not require you to be self-sufficient. It means that you know your limits and accept your weaknesses, and know when to ask for help. You understand your imperfections and you know that they don’t reflect on your worth.

Being enough doesn’t mean you have to be perfect and not make mistakes.

You make mistakes, I make mistakes, we all make mistakes because we are just humans. Every day we make mistakes and every day we learn from them. We are aware of our flaws and we accept them as they are. Mistakes and flaws do not mean that we aren’t enough, and we acknowledge their existence because they are what makes us.

Nothing is perfect, that’s just life. We are living in an imperfect world after all, but it doesn’t mean that being just who you are isn’t enough.

Being enough means you’re made as you are for a purpose.

You aren’t an accident. There’s no mistake in who you are and where you are born. You are enough just as you are, mistakes, imperfections, flaws, and all. You are beautiful even for just showing up and living your life every day.

Being enough means you can grow and change and continue to become the best version of yourself because you want to and not because you are trying to prove yourself.

Being enough means just being yourself.

“You are enough” is a phrase that means you don’t have to be more worthy or valid or acceptable or loved. You are already those things and you don’t have to prove yourself to be more to be enough.

Yes, we will always want to be more of anything. More honest, more authentic, more passionate, more free, more purposeful, more intentional. These things aren’t deliberately changing yourself, but they help you express more of yourself, which is just an expression of your being enough.

You are already enough before you learned the things you know now, you are enough now as you still grow and learn more of the world and of yourself, and you will continue to be enough as you become more of you are want to be in the future.

You are who you are and you are enough.



VE Digital

Operating at the junction of modernism and computer science to answer design problems with honest solutions. Owner of