7 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness

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If you’re reading this article, then you probably have some interest in increasing your self-awareness.

Self-awareness isn’t just simply liking the way you look in a mirror, it is also about being aware of what makes you who you are — both good and bad. It’s something we all need, but it requires hard work. Improving one’s self-awareness takes some time because it won’t happen overnight. But everyone can improve their self-awareness, so here are seven ways to start.

7 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness

Pay attention to what bothers you about other people

Things that bother us the most in other people are sometimes a reflection of a quality we loathe in ourselves. We all have traits and characteristics of ourselves that we’re not proud of, may that be the tendency to way white lies or struggling to set boundaries.

But if you don’t know how to change these things (or don’t believe they can be changed), it’s simple to ignore them or live in denial. And, while ignorance may appear to be bliss, it isn’t. Not in the long run.

That’s why whenever someone does something that bothers you or irritates you, as yourself, “Is this something in me that I dislike?” or “Do I do Do I do something similar?”

Mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness meditation is undoubtedly something you’ve heard about. It’s a simple practice of focusing your attention on your breath. Then if you sense your mind wandering to other thoughts, you gently bring it back to your area of focus.

Meditation and mindfulness practices allow you to focus on the present moment and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without becoming engrossed in them. In doing these practices, you are guided to let your ideas pass by without reacting or doing anything, which allows you to become more aware of your mental condition.

You are not your thoughts. We frequently lack self-awareness because we overthink. We are easily distracted by our thoughts, assuming they are accurate or worthwhile to engage with simply because our minds decided to toss them at us.

Regular mindfulness practice will teach you how the thinking mind operates and how much more there is to you than the substance of your thoughts.

Acknowledging Your Feelings

Don’t tell yourself what you should and shouldn’t feel. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and acknowledge them. We often choose to repress our feelings in order to help others or because we don’t trust ourselves. Recognize that there is always a purpose for all of these feelings.

You are not foolish, shameful, or undeserving because you have emotions. Though this does not imply that you must wear your heart on your sleeve and tell everyone how you feel if you do not choose to. Just allowing yourself to experience and acknowledge your emotions can go a long way toward increasing your self-awareness.

Reflection and journaling

Journaling allows you to be an objective observer of your own ideas, which can help you gain clarity about what you desire and value. Make time to write down what went through your day. You can write about the good things that happened or focus on what was difficult, what got in your way, and what you could alter or improve. Take note of anything that may have triggered you today. It is also critical to understand both viewpoints for yourself.

Move and Get Physical

Whether you do Pilates, yoga, jogging, walking, or any form of physical activity that suits you, pay attention to what your body is telling you. Movement makes you more aware of your body and all the feelings that form in it, as well as your mind and the thoughts that run through it, which promotes your self-acceptance and self-awareness.

Understand Your Emotional Triggers

Understanding your particular emotional triggers for unwanted feelings or tension is a critical component of self-awareness. You will be better equipped to deal with events that may arise if you understand how external variables affect you. If you’ve never given much attention as to why you might be feeling overwhelmed, nervous, or stressed, knowing your triggers can be very beneficial. However, this facet of self-awareness can be challenging. It is critical to acknowledge your feelings, but it is equally critical to understand why you feel the way you do. It will take time to identify these triggers but these tips will help you out.

  • Think about the similarities between times when you are experiencing this feeling.
  • Identify people or factors in your life who make you feel inferior or who bring you down.
  • Recognize when a topic makes you uncomfortable.

Emotional triggers aren’t black and white, so you may need others’ help and support to recognize and work through them. Don’t be afraid to ask for someone else’s help.

Ask trusted friends and loved ones to describe you

What are we expected to do if we don’t know what other people think of us? We must listen to the feedback of our peers and mentors and allow them to serve as an honest mirror. When you’re looking for open, honest, critical, and objective viewpoints, ask for your trusted friends’ opinions. Allow your pals to feel safe while providing you with an informal yet honest opinion.

Make it clear to your friends and loved ones that they’re doing this to help you, not to harm you. Also, feel free to ask your friends questions about issues they bring up if you feel like you need more clarity to fully comprehend.

You can also ask people to call your attention to it when you are doing something you know you should modify. For example, if you know you have a tendency to “one-up” individuals when they tell stories, have your friends quietly inform you of this so you can learn to stop.

Final Thoughts

Self-awareness enables us to act in ways that serve and honor our individual needs. We can not only live our most successful lives if we are self-aware, but we can also share our gifts with others if we are self-aware. Self-awareness prevents burnout, stress, and anxiety. You will put yourself up for success if you take the time to get to know yourself.

As we go through life, we develop a set of social masks that allows us to interact with others and make our way through the world. Sometimes ignoring our inner selves is an asset, keeping our emotions in check and making sure that we don’t let on when something hurts. But eventually, if we want to live a truly fulfilling life, it is necessary to make sure that we are being true to ourselves.

As we indicated at the beginning of this article, self-awareness is a challenging and crucial characteristic to nurture in oneself. Some people, however, are inherently more self-aware than others. Some people may only require one or two ways to become more self-aware. However, for those who struggle with self-awareness because their worldview is so different from everyone else’s, it may take several of these stages to fully develop your self-awareness and live an honest life.



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